Jessi Davis

Lived Experience Peer Support Professional


A picture of Jessi Davis with short hair, glasses, earrings, and the words "she / they" as a banner to indicate Jessi's pronouns.

Jessi Davis (She/They)

Trained as a Peer Specialist, Jessi offers their unique perspective as a Lived Experience subject matter expert. Jessi helps organizations to revamp their program offerings and peer support workforce strategy, providing consultations and in-depth support.

Currently working with the South Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center, Jessi gets to provide in-depth support to the communities in SAMHSA Region 6.

Jessi served on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Peer Supporters in the roles of Secretary, Vice President, and President, before ending their term in 2024. They continue to be invonvled in community events, workforce development, and advisory committees. 

Email to discuss Jessi's availability for consulting and contracting on various projects.